Podemos pensar que todo lo que la vida nos ofrece mañana es repetir lo que hicimos ayer y hoy. Pero si ponemos atención, nos daremos cuenta de que ningún día es igual a otro.
Cada mañana nos trae una bendición escondida, una bendición que solo sirve para este día, y que no puede ser ni guardada ni desaprovechada. Si no usamos ese milagro hoy, se perderá.
joi, 28 ianuarie 2010
miercuri, 20 ianuarie 2010
The ballad of a dream
Under the violet sky crowded by savaging birds
She was running as if hypnotized
Between moaning monks and chattering children
Trying to find her way to her lost soul
To that light shouting form the end of the road
A frozen moment in a burning noon – that was she.
Stone walls were surrounding her,
Messengers shouting chants and rituals from afar,
Children painting her dreams on canvas
Magnolias from Mozambic spreading their sents in the black-walled room.
Inspiration of the song of drums,
And of the far-away sad whispering sea
All gathered silently to take her to a new place
Where the bazaar of sentiments could be forgotten,
Where no one can touch crystal dreams,
Where nobody would shatter rainbow childhood memories,
Where sky meets sea,
And where her senses would be assaulted by lilac cent and jasmine flowers,
Where doves sleep in her hands so her soul can rest in their flight to the skies,
Where peace and quiet cast a shadow over chaotic and abnormal;
But the bazaar of sentiments suddenly became the hectic place where she was,
Like falling from the sunless moon,
She landed in the sunny, amber noon.
Holy men talking to serpents in a long-forgotten language,
People to children were savage.
Fires were burning and seeds were roasted,
Pink scarf and rainbow-like “shalvars” were dancing in the wind
As ensigns of a secret, ancient culture.
Burning charcoals and cent of hashish mingled in an erotic inspiration,
A silent chaos was surrounding her,
Her dreams, her feelings
As she could now see the cracks in the walls
And the cracks in her souls.
Feeling like a borrowed dream, living in a borrowed life
She asked herself: “Where am I?”
Under the violet sky crowded by savaging birds
She was running as if hypnotized
Between moaning monks and chattering children
Trying to find her way to her lost soul
To that light shouting form the end of the road
A frozen moment in a burning noon – that was she.
Stone walls were surrounding her,
Messengers shouting chants and rituals from afar,
Children painting her dreams on canvas
Magnolias from Mozambic spreading their sents in the black-walled room.
Inspiration of the song of drums,
And of the far-away sad whispering sea
All gathered silently to take her to a new place
Where the bazaar of sentiments could be forgotten,
Where no one can touch crystal dreams,
Where nobody would shatter rainbow childhood memories,
Where sky meets sea,
And where her senses would be assaulted by lilac cent and jasmine flowers,
Where doves sleep in her hands so her soul can rest in their flight to the skies,
Where peace and quiet cast a shadow over chaotic and abnormal;
But the bazaar of sentiments suddenly became the hectic place where she was,
Like falling from the sunless moon,
She landed in the sunny, amber noon.
Holy men talking to serpents in a long-forgotten language,
People to children were savage.
Fires were burning and seeds were roasted,
Pink scarf and rainbow-like “shalvars” were dancing in the wind
As ensigns of a secret, ancient culture.
Burning charcoals and cent of hashish mingled in an erotic inspiration,
A silent chaos was surrounding her,
Her dreams, her feelings
As she could now see the cracks in the walls
And the cracks in her souls.
Feeling like a borrowed dream, living in a borrowed life
She asked herself: “Where am I?”
marți, 19 ianuarie 2010
Zambesc…zambesc pentru simplul fapt ca astazi m-am uitat in urma, am rascolit fotografii si odata cu ele amintiri si zambesc pentru ca sufletul meu a avut puterea sa zambeasca la fiecare dintre ele. Am vazut ochi tristi de copil, am vazut ochi veseli si jucausi, am vazut o inima adolescentina sfaramata in bucatelele pamantului, dar am vazut si privirea de copil indragostit care ma trada atunci, cum ma tradeaza si acum si cum probabil ma va trada o viata intreaga. Si scriind aceste randuri ca reflectie lirica la ceea ce simt, inca zambesc, zambesc trecutului pentru a-i putea rade in fata viitorului si pentru a putea trai clipa. Si sufletul imi zambeste si el a multumire, la multumirea pe care o ofera gandul ca intr-adevar am facut intotdeauna ceea ce mi-am dorit si ca in spatele acelor ochi tristi sau in spatele privirii ametite poate de o bere in plus la 16 ani nu se ascundea nici un regret, la fel cum nu se ascunde nici acum. Sunt mandra, da! Ati auzit bine, sunt mandra ca pot privi in urma fara sa regret NIMIC! Nu as schimba nicio clipa, niciun moment, niciun zambet si nici macar o lacrima. As lasa totul asa cum este, sau cum a fost, pentru ca astazi imi dau seama ca a fost perfect. Am invatat din amintirile desprinse cu drag de pe un format electronic mult prea adaptat mileniului haotic in care traim ca ar trebui sa ma bucur mai mult, sa tanjesc mai putin dupa ceea ce nu am acum, sa rad mai des si sa plang mai rar, sa nu regret acum, pentru ca peste cativa ani, singurul lucru pe care il voi regreta este regretul de azi! Va anunt ca de 10 minute nu imi pot lua zambetul prostesc de pe fata in fata amintirilor mele, in fata experientelor, a copilariei si a adolescentei. Ma bucur ca pot sa ma vad, atat de clar, sa vad cum timpul a trecut, zic eu, cu folos. Sa vad ca am schimbat exact ce imi doream sa schimb si am pastrat acele lucruri pe care nu vreau sa le pierd niciodata din mine. Zambesc acum la poze cu fosti iubiti, cu oameni care la un moment dat au starnit lacrimi pe un obraz poate mult prea tanar, dar la care acum le multumesc pentru ca au contribuit la ceea ce sunt. Zambesc la poze din pesteri, cu amintirea acelei nebunii de weeknd in care tata, da al meu tata, habar nu avea unde am plecat…si nici astazi nu regret ca am facut-o. Amintirea pe care o am astazi a meritat pedeapsa de doua saptamani de izolare . Zambesc la cei 18 ani pe care ii aveam la majorat si la cenusaresele care s-au transformat toate pentru noaptea banchetului de sfarsit de clasa a 12-a. Zambesc la chipurile parintilor, pe fata carora astazi vad un rid in plus si in parul carora pot sa numar ceva mai multe fire albe, asta pentru ca timpul nu uita sa ne aminteasca ca nu sta in loc…si le multumesc. Zambesc la prieteni care acum apar doar in poze, pentru ca drumurile nu ne mai sunt de mult aceleasi, pe care nu i-am vazut de ani si multi ani vor trece pana poate ii voi vedea din nou…dar zambesc cu convingerea ca viata ne va mai aduce macar o data in acelasi loc. Zambesc la ochii mei prea negrii si la bratarile cu prea multe tinte. Zambesc la adolescentul rebel care eram si la femeia convingatoare ce sper ca voi fi. Zambesc pentru ca pot simti si acum, dupa ce timpul si-a tesut coroana peste amintiri, ceea ce am simtit in fiecare din acele momente si imi pare rau ca nu puteti arunca o privire macar in sufletul meu pentru a vedea cata bucurie se ascunde acolo. Va multumesc acum ca am avut cu cine impartasii momente si ca acum am pe cine sa port in amintire, ca ati facut parte din viata mea, ca m-ati iubit, ca m-ati facut sa rad isteric, ca m-ati certat, ca m-ati facut sa zambesc, ca m-ati facut sa plang, ca m-ati ajutat sa trec peste, ca m-ati facut sa dansez si sa cant, ca am invatat impreuna si ce inseamna betia la 16 ani in Vama dar si ce poate insemna o cenusareasa de 20 de ani pe tocuri intr-un loc cochet sau select, ca putem sa privim inapoi impreuna dar cu atat mai mult inainte, ca ati existat sau ca existati in viata mea…pentru toate astea: ma inclin in fata amintirilor, fara de care eu cea de astazi nu ar putea fi!
duminică, 10 ianuarie 2010
Later that day I got to thinking about relationships. There are those that open you up to something new and exotic, those that are old and familiar, those that bring up lots of questions, those that bring you somewhere unexpected, those that bring you far from where yo...u started, and those that bring you back. But the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous
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